Corruptus Politicus
The openly and loveably corrupt Mayor of Fogarea has set his sites on bigger payoffs and deeper corruption in order to finance his lifestyle and to show himself a good time, mainly at taxpayers’ expense. As an admittedly shallow man of few marketable skill sets, Ludlum ”Hozay,” Smith has devoted his life to the endless pursuit of wealth, cheap celebrity and self importance in a politically correct world.
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Why Do I Have To Campaign?
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
In episode 2, we find the Surprise Party candidate for president lamenting about having to campaign for the votes, insisting that rather than, 'shaking hands and kissing babies,' he'd rather, "press the flesh". One female voter at a time... Showing himself a good time is still the driving force behind his desire to become President, but promises to create, "fact finding, ad hoc committees,' to look into pressing problems facing the country.
He also wants to assure the country that he will look into the various challenges both domestically and internationally, "when he has a moment."
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Getting To Know Hozay
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Hozay is representing The Surprise Party to capture the imagination of The American People and gather their votes...practicing corrupt tactics, of course. It should be known, Hozay is the former Mayor of FogArea, a lovely hamlet pronounced (fog-uh-REE-uh).
Ludlum "Hozay" Smith
Sometimes, a political candidate must bend the rules just a little bit, but Hozay BREAKS the rules almost every time. When he was the Mayor of Fogarea, there were no rules and if he proclaimed a law or rule, if you followed it, you broke it anyway...and paid dearly, he's corrupt but lovable!